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Valedictorian - Engineering Faculty - University of Moratuwa
Most Outstanding Graduand
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
General Convocation of University of Moratuwa is a very important function of the university and is held ceremonially in every year. Examinations & Registration Division play a major role in the General Convocation with the support of all the other divisions and departments. Every Student who had successfully completed their Bachelors degree or Masters degree should compulsively apply for the General Convocation in order to collect their degree certificate. Even if you do not wish to participate for the General Convocation, still you need to apply for it, as the degree certificate will be allowed to collect only for the graduates whose name is included in the graduand list. If the student is not eligible for the graduation, he/she will be notified through a letter. Then the student needs to apply for the General Convocation again in a later year after completing the requirements for the graduation. In that case, the student may not need to make the payment again as a payment has been already made before. Applications for the General Convocation will be published between March - June every year and you can get more details from this website during that time.

Keet Malin Sugathadasa was awarded the Gold Medal for being the Most Outstanding Graduand of Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka. This was awarded out of 9 different faculties within the University.
With this award, he delivered his Valedictorian Speech, to the entire faculty.