Technical Lead - Creative Software
AWS Certified Developer Associate
ITIL 4 Certified
Valedictorian - Engineering Faculty - University of Moratuwa
Imagine Cup 2017
South East Asia Regional Finals
World Finalist
Imagine Cup is a global competition that empowers the next generation of computer science students to team up and use their creativity, passion and knowledge of technology to create applications that shape how we live, work and play. Every year tens of thousands of students from across the globe compete for cash, travel and prizes and for the honor of taking home the Imagine Cup!
The details about the Imagine Cup National Finals are available on this page. The South East Asia Regional Finals of Imagine Cup 2017 was held in the Philippines on the 24th of April 2017, and Team Titans was able to become one of the Winners to go to world finals to represent Sri Lanka in the World Finals of Imagine Cup 2017.
The South East Asia Regional Finals was held for the first time, in celebrating the 15th Anniversary of Imagine Cup titled as "15 Years of Awesome". This was held at the Solaire Resort and Casino in Manila and 10 different countries took part in the South East Asia Regional Finals. Team Titans will be flying to Seattle in July to compete against 30 different teams from around the world to bring home the Imagine Cup this year.
The Product: Inhalo ( Breathing Made Easy)
"Inhalo" is a life changing product which aims at the kids around the world, who are Asthma Patients and it gives a perfect motivation for the kids to keep on using their inhalers accordingly. The product comes with a Headset and a Mobile Game, that motivates the kids to use the inhaler and get healthier as they play. The game also supports single player as well as multi-player.

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners

Imagine Cup South East Asia Finals - Winners