Technical Lead - Creative Software
AWS Certified Developer Associate
ITIL 4 Certified
Valedictorian - Engineering Faculty - University of Moratuwa
Breathing Made Easy
Are we really breathing to our fullest capacity. Scientists have proven that we only breathe 1/3rd of our lung capacity. We always take a very deep breath early in the morning and feel that energy inside our body, because a single breath can oxygenate your entire body, and provide you with a pleasant feeling. But this is our story. There are people who cannot really breathe properly and those are the patients who suffer from Asthma.

Asthma is known as the 3rd cause for hospitalization for kids under the age of 15., and it is also reasonable for over 14 million missed school days every year. These patients use a device called the inhaler, whereas 93% of the Asthma patients don't really know how to use an inhaler properly.
Inhalo consists of three main parts such as, 'All in one personal breathing trainer' , 'Symptom Tracker' and a 'Mobile Game Controller'. The use of inhaler powered by a mobile game is a motivational factor for the kids to start using the inhaler and without even knowing, the kids get healthier while playing the game. The breathing mechanism in the inhaler is used as a simulation to play the game.
Measures the breathing capacity
Train the lungs
Identify symptoms of Asthma
Parents are notified on progress and activity
Multiplayer gaming facility
Leaderboard for kids to gain more points