Technical Lead - Creative Software
AWS Certified Developer Associate
ITIL 4 Certified
Valedictorian - Engineering Faculty - University of Moratuwa

Cake Labs IoT Hackathon

Cake Labs IoT Hackathon was organized alongside with the grand opening of the "Cake Labs CSE Lounge" and this is the first event to be organized within the newly opened CSE Lounge. The ‘CAKE LABS CSE Lounge’ at the University of Moratuwa’s Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department was built by CAKE LABS in order to provide free space to promote student thinking, creativity and brainstorming sessions.
The "Cake Labs IoT Hackathon" is a 15 hour competition and it consisted of two rounds where 6 teams were shortlisted for the final rounds out of 20 Applicants. The competition was a winner takes all competition and we were able to snatch the victory of this competition. It is an "one of a kind competition", which mainly targeted IoT (Internet of Things) and the competition was filled with many innovative IoT ideas where some products of the products are really advanced and way ahead our time.
The Product: Inhalo ( Breathing Made Easy)
"Inhalo" is a life changing product which aims at the kids around the world, who are Asthma Patients and it gives a perfect motivation for the kids to keep on using their inhalers accordingly. The product comes with a Inhaler and a Mobile Game, that motivates the kids to use the inhaler and get healthier as they play. The game also supports single player as well as multi-player