Technical Lead - Creative Software
AWS Certified Developer Associate
ITIL 4 Certified
Valedictorian - Engineering Faculty - University of Moratuwa
Mobile Connect Authenticator
WSO2 Identity Server
WSO2 Identity Server is an identity and entitlement management server that facilitates security while connecting and managing multiple identities across different applications. It enables enterprise architects and developers to improve customer experience through a secure single sign-on environment.
WSO2 Identity Server is fully open source and is released under Apache Software License Version 2.0, one of the most business-friendly licenses available today. WSO2 Identity Server is an on-going project. It undergoes continuous improvements and enhancements with each new release, to address new business challenges and customer expectations. WSO2 invites users, developers, and enthusiasts to get involved or get the assistance from our development teams at many different levels through online forums, mailing lists, and support options.

Mobile connect is the mobile operator facilitated authentication solution, that provides simple, secure and convenient access to online services. It is the convenient alternative to passwords that protect customer privacy. This is a concept introduced by the GSMA (GSM Association), which provides a global and secure authentication platform, by combining the user's unique mobile number and PIN, to verify and authenticate the user, anywhere anytime. It also allows the user to log into swiftly, without the need of any usernames or passwords.
This authenticator is currently being implemented as a connector for the WSO2 Identity Server and By following the blog given below, you will be bale to easily integrate mobile connect into your own application in no time.
Official Documentation: https://docs.wso2.com/display/ISCONNECTORS/Mobile+Connect+Authenticator
The slides and video of the webinar are available in the official WSO2 Webnar page. Link is given below.